Africville Videos on Demand 2
This is a collection of videos shot and produced in 2008 from The 25th Africville Reunion & Festival. This event ran for 9 days during the the last days of July. These 12 videos are available for streaming at the purchase price of $25.00
Amistad Speeches
Ghana's paramount Chief, Africville former residents & descendants, plus general public on the Amistad while the historical captain explains the capture, ship conditions and the readjustment into the slave society of America.
Interview 2, Glen Canning, Faih Nolan
Muzzy Marshall 1
Band performances of Muzzy Marshall & The Atlantic Soul Review. Some of the band members are former residents of Africville.
Africville Literature 2
Africville Literature 1
Africville Celebration
Africville Church Project 2
Africville Reunion, Introduction
During the 25th Africville Reunion of 2008, the video crew of this production took a cruise of Halifax harbour to the Africville park on the replica ship of the Amistad. I, Mark S. Carvery, while on the ship had an spiritual encounter of experiencing the soul stripping of African slave coming to...
Interviews 3
Former residents of the community of Africville share their perspectives on the destruction of Africville.
Interviews, Glen Canning, videograher